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  • The LACEA/IDB/WB/UNDP Network on Inequality and Poverty (NIP) is a joint initiative that aims to advance the state of knowledge and expertise regarding the causes and consequences of poverty, inequality, and social exclusion, and the whole range of policies, institutions, and social structures that influence their dynamics as well as the impact of public action. It was formed in 1998 to promote fruitful academic exchanges among researchers, students and policymakers. Every year, NIP holds a meeting prior to LACEA's annual conference. Please go to the meetings section for more information about them.

    NIP is generously supported by grants from LACEA and the Global Development Network. In addition, the annual meetings are supported by grants from the World Bank (WB), the Inter-American Development Bank (IADB) and the United Nations Development Program (UNDP).



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    NIP News

    On March 24th and 25th was held the Workshop on Politics, Inequality and Poverty in Montevideo, Uruguay. It was held at Centro de Formación de la Cooperación Española, and it was possible thanks to the Research Institute for Development, Growth and Economics’ efforts. The workshop began with the keynote lecture: “Distribution in Motion: Economic growth, inequality and poverty dynamics” by Francisco Ferreira. During the Workshop 8 papers were presented.

    Finally, a policy debate on “Perspectives in Cash Transfer programs in Latin America” took place, with the participation of Hugo Ñopo (IADB), Juan Martín Moreno (World Bank), Fernando Filgueira (Deputy Minister, Education, Uruguay) and a speaker from TBC.

