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400 A sequence has been detected that could mean a hacker attack. Your request cannot be processed.







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Personal Message from the Chief Watchdog: "Welcome neighbors and taxpayers….those of us who live in or love Bridgeport see our urban history and cultural diversity as something to respect and encourage. WHEN we see value in a person, a property, or a process we act to secure it and protect it. We support community good when we provide a place to celebrate that which is of value and listen to the voices of those who would warn us of danger to our rights, resources and respect. Watchdogs and whistleblowers are specifically welcome, here."

Join us by clicking here and filling in the form, which will enable you to participate in our watchdog community.

By joining, you will be able to: - Post your own discussion topics - Reply/comment on current postings - Become a subscriber to topics of interest - Receive our e-newsletters - Access research documents and reports directly in our online catalog.

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Personal Message from the Chief Watchdog: "Welcome neighbors and taxpayers….those of us who live in or love Bridgeport see our urban history and cultural diversity as something to respect and encourage. WHEN we see value in a person, a property, or a process we act to secure it and protect it. We support community good when we provide a place to celebrate that which is of value and listen to the voices of those who would warn us of danger to our rights, resources and respect. Watchdogs and whistleblowers are specifically welcome, here." - John Lee

URGENT! Save your Bridgeport Libraries! Save your librarians and your childrens' summer programs! Let your opinion be known here.
Here are issues for your consideration:

• Layoffs of librarians taking effect as of July 8, 2016.

• What is the impact of layoffs and imminent library closings?

• What alternative actions might ensure continued operation of Bridgeport libraries under the powers conferred by Connecticut General Statutes, Sections 11-33.

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400 A sequence has been detected that could mean a hacker attack. Your request cannot be processed.

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