
Welcome to The Phoenix Archives.

Here you will find a wealth of rare and unusual information. Scroll down for more details.

Topics will include: The Annunaki, Galactic Federation, Inter-dimensional beings, what is really going on with aliens, the astral realms, the Triquerta, demonics, Angelics and Fae among others.

You can subscribe to be notified of new blogs at the bottom of the page. At this point of time, new blogs are posted on a weekly basis on Saturday 6 a.m. PST.

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What are the Phoenix Archives?

This site is a supplement to my autobiography: I am The Phoenix

This is my autobiography which deals with many topics such a awakening, guides, the gods, Atlantis, who and what the phoenix is and even the dark phoenix. (Yes, there is one and I’m sure it inspired the Marvel stories.)

You do not have to have read any of my book in order to enjoy these blogs but if you like what you see here, you will like the book, too.

For those who have read it, it will provide a lot of additional information and insights into that book.

For those who have not, it will still still provide a lot of fascinating information.

Much of history and mythology has been wrongly recorded, either through lack of information or by it being written by the victors.

I will attempt to cover what I know and fill in the blanks as they come to light.

Where are The Phoenix archives?

There are several ways to start reading.

If you want to see the latest posts you can easily by either clicking on the link on the main number under the picture or ‘The Phoenix Archives

If you want to start at the beginning, click on this link.

It will take you to the first post and you can read it in sequence.

You can move to the next post by scrolling down the bottom of the screen and clicking on the link to the right.

The book: I am The Phoenix

I am The Phoenix – An autobiography of The Phoenix Source

Awakening is hard. When we are born, we forget most of what we know. The process of remembering is a very long, traumatic and difficult process.

I am The Phoenix is the story of my own personal awakening. It tells the story of how it happened and the incredible events surrounding it.

It gives a timeline of events up to the year 2012.

It started as a seemingly simply journey. When I was 24 years old, the message “You are the Phoenix” kept on repeating over and over in my mind. It never stopped. It never varied. It was something I could not block or prevent.

Over the years, I began to unravel who I was and what was really going on.

It became a complex and layered story that involved the old gods and my personal dealing with them.

As this is an ever evolving story, free supplementary material has been provided that expands on what I knew and what was written in this book.

My guides once said: There would be hell to pay when I found out what was really going on.

I’m discovering what was really going on. And there is hell to pay.

You can purchase the book at amazon.com here: /visit/books

Contact me

If you want to contact me to discuss any of this information, please use the contact form in the top menu or you can click here.