I am developing an android app using android studio for my wordpress website, i want to add user to my database, i am having trouble for user password, as you know wordpress hashes the passwords, i searched a lot but could'nt find how to write the codes for password in android studio, would you please give me references and resources how i can do this. i think i don't know what i need to search. help me please!!!

PS: I have no problem of adding user_login or user_email or... to the users table on data base (php myadmin) but i don't know how to send the password. I know i have to hash it before sending, but i don't know the way...

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You should perhaps look into using the API or a plugin which offers an API to the core, for example developer.wordpress.org/rest-api/reference/users/#create-a-u‌​ser – Lawrence Cherone Dec 23 at 3:32

You have to remove the wp_hash_password() from your wordpress source code so that it will not encrypt the passwords. like this

php $hash = wp_hash_password( $password ) --> php $hash = $password;

here $password is the simple string so u can read it easily or use as per requirement.

Or you can study the Encryption technique so you will able to code a decryption one.
Wordpress use a 1 way encryption to store the passwords using a variation of md5. There is no way to reverse this.

See this article for more info http://wordpress.org/support/topic/how-is-the-user-password-encrypted-wp_hash_password

You Should use above code in your wordpress code.

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Oh for crying out loud, no. That is nowhere near being safe. It's time to get into and learn from the 21st century hashing methods, one such as password_hash(). – Funk Forty Niner Dec 23 at 3:39
"Wordpress use a 1 way encryption to store the passwords using a variation of md5. There is no way to reverse this." - I take it that you've never heard of what Rainbow tables are, have you? – Funk Forty Niner Dec 23 at 3:40
Linking to a 7 years, 3 month old post wont be relevant in the latest versions. – Lawrence Cherone Dec 23 at 3:40
thank you so much for helping gagan, but that is not the way, i am sure i have to hash the password from the the app and send it, i saw by my self someone did this before and i know that is the way, but i cant reach him out now to ask hoe did you do this. i know it has a standard way, i remember he told me it is easy and wordpress gives you a method (or function) to hash the password before sending.... but i dont know how to find it...Thanks for your helping firend – Arsalan Zahedi Rad Dec 23 at 9:42

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